Allergies Treatment in Lincoln

Allergies can present physical discomfort while simultaneously causing stress and lifestyle limitations that can affect day-to-day activities in various ways. At Urgent Care Clinic of Lincoln, we provide comprehensive treatment for allergies in Lincoln, NE, to help you return to enjoying your life.

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Allergies Overview 

Allergies are a hyperactive immune system response to typically harmless substances known as allergens. When allergens like pollen, dust, or certain foods enter the body, the immune system mistakenly identifies them as threats. In defense, it releases antibodies, which prompt cells to release histamine, leading to an allergic reaction. 

The reactions can vary from mild symptoms like sneezing and itching to more severe reactions like difficulty breathing or anaphylaxis. Seeking medical assistance for allergies in Lincoln, NE, can help effectively manage and treat these symptoms.

Drug Allergy:

A drug allergy occurs when the immune system reacts adversely to a medication.

Pet Allergy:

Allergy to pet dander is common. These allergens can be found in homes with pets on furniture, clothing, and even in the air.


Food Allergy:

Food allergies are immune system responses to a food protein that the body mistakenly identifies as harmful. Common sources include nuts, shellfish, milk, and eggs.  

Mold Allergy:

Mold spores can trigger allergy and asthma symptoms in people sensitive to these fungi.

Insect Allergy:

Stings from insects such as bees, wasps, and fire ants can elicit allergic reactions in susceptible individuals.

Pollen Allergy:

Pollen allergy, often caused by pollinating trees, grasses, and weeds, can lead to seasonal allergic rhinitis or “hay fever.” The Lincoln pollen count can guide individuals when pollen exposure is likely to cause symptoms.

Symptoms of Allergies 

Allergies often provoke respiratory symptoms due to inhaling allergens like pollen or dust. These symptoms may include: 

  • Persistent sneezing 
  • Runny or stuffy nose 
  • Itchy, watery eyes 
  • Wheezing or difficulty breathing 

Contact with allergens can also lead to skin issues, like rashes or hives, itchy skin, and eczema or redness. Food allergies can also disrupt the digestive system, causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. 


Finally, anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening reaction that can occur within seconds of exposure to an allergen. Symptoms may include difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue or throat, a sudden drop in blood pressure, dizziness, or loss of consciousness. Immediate medical attention, usually with an injection of epinephrine, is crucial for those experiencing anaphylaxis. 


Awareness of symptoms ranging from minor to severe allows for timely identification and management of allergies. If symptoms persist or worsen, see your physician or visit an urgent care clinic specializing in allergies in Lincoln, NE.

How Does Urgent Care Clinic of Lincoln Treat Allergies?

At Urgent Care Clinic of Lincoln, we begin your allergy treatment journey with a precise diagnosis. Our experienced healthcare providers will discuss your symptoms and medical history, forming the basis for identifying potential allergens. 


We also perform allergy testing in Lincoln, NE, using techniques such as the following to pinpoint your specific allergens

Skin-Prick or Scratch Test:

 This method involves placing a tiny amount of a suspected allergen on your skin and making a small prick. If a raised, reddish spot (a wheal) forms, it may indicate an allergy.

Intradermal Skin Test:

This involves injecting a small quantity of a suspected allergen under the surface of your skin. It’s more sensitive and typically used if skin-prick test results are unclear.

Patch Test:

For this test, allergens are applied on patches placed on your skin, usually on the back, to check for reactions over a specific period. This determines contact allergies.

Blood (lgE) Test:

When skin tests are not suitable, a blood test can measure the specific antibodies that react to allergens, offering insights into your allergic response.

Oral Challenge Test:

As the name suggests, this test involves ingesting or inhaling a small amount of allergen under medical supervision. Due to potential risks, it’s conducted only when necessary.

Treatment Options For Allergies 

Once your allergies are diagnosed, we focus on treating your specific symptoms and reducing exposure to allergens. Treatment options include: 

  • Medication: Antihistamines, decongestants, or nasal corticosteroids to relieve symptoms. 
  • Immunotherapy: Allergy shots or tablets that gradually reduce your sensitivity to allergens. 
  • Lifestyle modifications: Advice on how to avoid allergens and minimize exposure. 
  • Emergency interventions: Immediate care for severe reactions like anaphylaxis. 

However, treating allergies involves more than just managing your symptoms. Our allergy, asthma, and immunology center also help you adjust your lifestyle for better comfort and health. Start your journey to a healthier, happier you. Contact Urgent Care Clinic of Lincoln to schedule an appointment. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • How can I find out what I’m allergic to? 

Consulting an allergy doctor in Lincoln, NE, can help you identify what’s triggering your allergies. They may perform diagnostic tests like skin prick tests or blood tests to pinpoint the substances causing your allergic reactions. Once identified, your allergist can create a personalized management plan to alleviate your symptoms. 

  • Can allergies develop later in life? 

Absolutely. Allergies can manifest at any stage, regardless of age. Some individuals may never experience allergies during childhood but develop them as adults. If you suspect you’re developing new allergic reactions, seek medical advice promptly to get relief and better manage your symptoms. 

  • Can allergies be cured? 

Currently, there is no absolute cure for allergies. However, several treatments can substantially reduce or even eliminate symptoms. Immunotherapy, such as allergy shots, is one method that can desensitize the immune system to allergens over time. 

  • What are the best ways to manage allergy symptoms? 

Proper allergy management often involves a combination of avoidance strategies, medications, and immunotherapy. Other helpful practices include allergy-proofing your home, staying informed about pollen counts, and having an action plan for accidental exposure.


It’s best to visit an asthma allergy immunology center to receive an effective symptom management plan. 

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